Talk:Israel/Israel and the Occupied Territories
Israel and the Occupied Territories-1
- Intro.
Israel and the Occupied Territories-2
- Parliamentary democracy or Jewish state?
- Israel's borders
Israel and the Occupied Territories-3
- Spiritual home (Part 1 and 2).
Israel and the Occupied Territories-4
- What do the Bible and Qur'an say about the land of Israel?
- Arab settlers
Israel and the Occupied Territories-5
- Expulsion;
- Reentry/Return
- More refugees
- Blub about the Suez War
Israel and the Occupied Territories-6
- Summary of the Six-day war (Part 1 to 6)
Israel and the Occupied Territories-7
- Politics and law
- Occupied vs taken over
Israel and the Occupied Territories-8
- How many Jews?
- the Holocaust
- several
- 1947 UN Partition Plan