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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Created 5th June 2005

Today is Wednesday, September 25, 2024, 16:35 (UTC/GMT).
There are 6,887,532 articles on the English Wikipedia.
Tip of the moment...
Test-drive your edits in a sandbox

Your sandbox is a place for you to experiment with wikicode, to keep notes, to draft sections to add to articles, or for any other purpose that helps build the encyclopedia. Although your sandbox will usually be left alone by other editors, you do not have 100% control. It can't be used to host copyright violations or personal attacks on people, for example.

Have you ever added an example image to a page, only to have it removed and receive a warning? Here's a solution. If you want to test some unfamiliar wiki-markup, or practice image placement, head to the Sandbox, where you can test to your heart's delight (or you can create your own sandbox for more demanding tests). Or open your own sandbox by clicking on "Sandbox" on your user menu at the top of the screen.

Bonus tip: you can have as many sandboxes as you like, but only one gets displayed at the top of the page. To get to the others easily, you could list their links on your sandbox page, using it as a menu of sandboxes.

To add this auto-randomizing template to your user page, use {{totd-random}}
This user loves deadlines. They love the whooshing sound they make as they go by.
This user has never left the Eastern Hemisphere.
This user supports preferential voting as opposed to first-past-the-post.
This user believes it is every citizen's duty to vote.