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User:Kizzle/smoke/vote suppression

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  • What happened in the 2000 Election with voting suppression?
  • Who is ChoicePoint/Database Technologies?
  • Reference Greg Palast's argument / "Bush Family Fortunes"
  • What did State Rep. John Pappageorge, R-Troy, say about the Detroit vote?[1]
"If we do not suppress the Detroit vote, we're going to have a tough time in this election cycle."
  • Does it matter that the authors of the article were employed as legal counsel to the Kerry campaign?
  • Why were there such long lines for some machines?
  • What did the interim report find about the long lines? [2]
"In precincts where there were fewer than 275 registrants per voting machine, Kerry received an average of 46.6% of the vote. In precincts with 275-325 registrants per voting machine, he received 55.7% of the vote. In precincts with the highest number of registrants per voting machine (over 325), and therefore likely the longest lines, Kerry received 65.3% of the precinct-level vote. Ratios of registrants per machine also appear to be negatively correlated with turnout percentages: in precincts with more registrants per machine, turnout figures were lower."
  • What is another possible explanation for lower turnout?[3]
"Such an argument depends on an assumption that turnout differences associated with registrant to machine ratios were in fact caused by these machine availability differences. But other causal factors may also explain turnout differences. For example, prior research has demonstrated that less educated citizens of all races and partisan affiliations have lower turnout than better educated ones. If precincts with larger registrant to machine ratios have higher numbers of less educated registrants (perhaps because they are located in urban and less affluent areas), then one would expect lower turnout in these precincts, even if there were no effect of registrant to machine ratios on turnout."
  • Is this rebuttal an adequate explanation? Why or why not? Does it actually refute the theorized effects of the voting machines?
  • Why do long lines have anything to do with voter suppression?
  • Were there any patterns to where the machines broke down?
"Of the 82 precints for which voters reported that one or more voting machines were not working, the vast majority were in neighboroods where over 75% of the population were black, while non-working machines were reported in only five precincts where less than 5% of the population were black"
  • Is there a law covering the distribution of voting machines? Is it state or national? Was this law broken?
  • Were voters intimidated on Election day? What organizations were alleged to intimidate voters? How do we know that they intimidated voters? From what sources do we know this information?

  • What happened in Cuyahoga County, for example?
  • What happened in Franklin County, for example?
  • Who is Voter Outreach for America, and who are they funded by?
  • How are absentee ballots sorted and who is responsible for getting them to the voters?
  • What happened with Florida's attempt to use Felony purge list in 2004?
  • Why were leaflets passed out that the election was November 4, and what areas were they primarily located in?



