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I have a personal web page, but there's not much to show yet. I'll add a link when I have more content.

I enjoy programming, chatting, and criticising biomedical psychiatry. Well, honestly I don't enjoy the last one, but I feel I must bear witness after I was experimented upon (with my parent's consent) in what I personally believe was junk science. I am not a Scientologist. I used to think they were a valid religion, and so, as an atheist myself, I'd take a live-and-let-live approach to their beliefs. However, as I have become more active in learning about criticisms of psychiatry, I have also learned some of the horrible actions which occur inside the Scientologist cult (and I do believe they are a cult, not a valid religion). I think it is very sad that many people who have been abused in some way by biomedical psychiatry end up being abused a second time by a group of people who appear sympathetic but actually have a very unhealthy social dynamic. I think that bringing criticisms of biomedical psychiatry to the mainstream will not only have a beneficial effect on the quality of science which is done but also will save people from turning to the Cult of Scientology as the only people who will listen.

Anyways, that's my bio and little rant. :)


Quote from Mark Twain's A Dog's Tale:

I have watched two whole weeks, and he doesn't come up! This last week a fright has been stealing upon me. I think there is something terrible about this. I do not know what it is, but the fear makes me sick, and I cannot eat, though the servants bring me the best of food; and they pet me so, and even come in the night, and cry, and say, "Poor doggie--do give it up and come home; don't break our hearts!" and all this terrifies me the more, and makes me sure something has happened. And I am so weak; since yesterday I cannot stand on my feet anymore. And within this hour the servants, looking toward the sun where it was sinking out of sight and the night chill coming on, said things I could not understand, but they carried something cold to my heart.